1101 W State Highway 114, Grapevine, TX 76051
Classic is the largest Chevy dealer in America, and Classic Chevrolet of Grapevine strives to be your “hometown” dealer. We are proud of the folks we hire. We’re just a short drive from Frisco, Arlington, Fort Worth and Dallas. Our facility has an area of 65,000 square feet on our 22-acre lot.
We believe that culture makes a difference, so we devote ourselves to helping and serving our customers to the best of our ability. We focus on building relationships that last. That means relationships with our employees, our customers, and our community.
Our Parts Department is looking for an Administrative Assistant to provide clerical support for their daily operations. Experience is preferred. We value our employees and invest in their success! Apply now and join our team.
What we offer:
Responsibilities – Administrative Assistant:
Requirements - Administrative Assistant:
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants considered regardless of ethnicity, nationality, gender, veteran or disability status, religion, age, gender orientation or other protected status.
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