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their employability for future careers linked to the UK-Japan relationship.?
Successful completion of the Internship programme will give you the option of joining our interim personnel pool for future fixed term job opportunities and will give you the experience to support strong applications for future permanent roles in the British Embassy Tokyo or Consulate General Osaka
This Internship programme would particularly suit someone with strong links to either the UK or to Japan and is considering pursuing a career in international relations, trade and investment, or similar fields in the future.
Successful candidates will gain an understanding of the mission of the British Embassy and its Consulate through training and work assigned by the key teams of Japan Network. Your role will be determined based on your interests, specialities, skills and experience. In any team, you are expected to bring in new ideas, approaches, fresh perspectives, a willingness to challenge entrenched working practices, and help us boost capacity.
Your host team will provide you with a range of opportunities to familiarise you with our way of working and our current policy focus areas and will agree with you a full programme to cover the term of the Internship that reflects your interests and learning objectives. The Internship can last up to a maximum of 6 months, but it is possible that we can accommodate shorter periods and reduced working hours following consultation at the interview.
Our internship programme offers a unique work experience with a focus on five streams:
- Research: Conducting research and supporting report writing in the area of economy and finance, trade policy, market access, climate challenge, health, development, or science innovation and tech.
- Programme and Policy: Providing project support in the area of cyber, counterterrorism, human rights, defence and security, or joint capacity-building projects in third countries.
- Trade and Investment: Shadowing and providing support in various activities to promote UK exports to Japan and inward investment from Japan to the UK and/or devolved administrations - Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
- Events Coordination: Support preparations for a variety of political, economic, and cultural events such as EXPO 2025, which may include, but not limited to, support for media, communications and marketing.
- Corporate Operations: Support the administrative services that enable each function to focus on priorities whilst learning the organisational policies and processes.